
A Storefront is a single source of truth for a system. It’s where any adopter (designers, developers, etc) can access the processes, documentation, and tooling needed for using the system. This kit includes a customizable starter storefront so you can easily build and maintain your source of truth.

👋 Bye Bye PDFs

A design system is a living, breathing thing. When we transition a system over to a client, they need the power to evolve and grow it. This means our tooling and deliverables need to move away from static formats like PDFs. This starter storefront empowers not only our Think teams, but our clients as well.

Bespoke Look & Feel

Our clients hire us to deliver bespoke solutions they can’t get anywhere else. We’ve baked this philosophy into our starter storefront. Customizing the look & feel is super easy and, dare we say, fun!

Fast & Flexible

Powered by Gatsby.js and Markdown, the storefront is fast, easy to edit, and fun to build. You’re free to customize it as much, or little, as you need.

Whole Team

<aside> 👩🏾‍💻 Storefront Demos


What's a Storefront?

Choosing a Storefront

Starter Storefront

Custom Storefront

Notion Storefront

Coming soon...