There are many ways to contribute…
All ideas are welcome!
We review new ideas with topic leads on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. Once your idea is approved, we will spin up a task and determine who has the right expertise.
Whether it’s a new approach you’d like to document, a question you want answered, or a useful template or resource, we want to know about it! Everyone can contribute to Think Space in a variety of ways, from helping us create new content and visual assets to copyediting and QA.
Experts are generally noted as a topic expert on topic pages with the expectation that Thinkers can reach out to them on an as-needed basis to provide ad-hoc guidance and support.
If you’re a principal or a lead and would like to be listed as an expert for a specific topic, let us know. Topic experts can help in a variety of ways such as answering questions async, providing guidance, leadership and sales support, or join a collaboration session if available.
<aside> 📮 Ready to contribute? Submit your idea here!
Have a great idea, but need to run it by someone?
Every topic in Think Space has a lead as well as individual contributors who support the creation of our content. Our topic leads are responsible for maintaining their topic pages ensuring the content is relevant, accurate, and current.
Topic Leads are always looking for new content. If you have an idea for a topic, guide, template, or external resource that needs to be added, feel free to reach out to the topic lead and discuss your idea with them.