<aside> 🎤 At Think Company we have a deep and diverse talent pool and we want to ensure that our collective knowledge is channeled where it's needed. Our events are designed to encourage collaboration in person and remotely and knowledge sharing between "departments" or disciplines.


Design+ Events

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/73683993-e22d-47c6-bd56-23db3a0a297a/download.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/73683993-e22d-47c6-bd56-23db3a0a297a/download.png" width="40px" /> A note on Harvest: Billable client time should be prioritized over department events and participation in events is in addition to billable work if you are fully allocated.

In many cases, the topics discussed in our events apply directly to the work you are doing on a project and enable you to work smarter for that client. In this case, you can bill the time spent in Design+ Events to your project.

In all other instances, team members should record time spent in Design+ Events to "Department Time - Design (non-billable)" in Harvest. Contractors are invited to optionally attend events, but time is not billable to projects or the Department.
